Adding an 'Area of Interest' (AOI)

Adding an Area of Interest (AOI) 

'Area of Interest' (AOI) functionality allows users to define specific areas within their stimuli which need to be measured for their noticeability, earned attention, etc. Examples of such areas of interest can be a brand logo on a pack, pack clusters on a shelf, or a character in a video. Please note that this feature is only applicable for those Affect Lab campaigns that have Eye Tracking as one of the selected technologies. 

Steps for enabling 'Area of Interest' (AOI) for your stimuli: 

1. Select the campaign, test, media, and the tester(s) in your filter and click on Apply in the filters; Navigate to the 'Emotion Insights' tab. 

Navigate to the table containing eye tracking visualizations (heat maps, gaze plots, etc.). In case your campaign is using both Eye Tracking and Facial Coding technologies, users might want to expand the table displaying the eye-tracking visualizations. Then, click on 'Area of Interest'. 


In the Area of Interest view, select the shape you want to give to your AOI and click on the same. Drag your AOI shape to reposition it on the element that you want to analyze and resize the shape accordingly using the corners. 



Double-clicking on the AOI allows you to specify a name and duration for it. The AOI duration (in seconds) is the time window needed to analyze the elements in the AOI for the stimulus. For e.g. In the below screenshot, the elements in the Nescafe Logo AOI will be analyzed from 0s - 8s in the overall exposure of the stimulus to the respondent. 


Note: The duration slider can be used by the users to specify the time window they want to use to analyze the element in the stimuli. The duration range will be equal to the exposure length of the stimuli: 

1. In the case of Videos being tested, the duration range will be equivalent to the length of the video 

In the case of Images being tested, the duration range will be equivalent to the duration of exposure specified for the image 

The above process can be repeated as many times as needed to create AOIs for all relevant elements in your creative / stimuli. 

Adding a Segment of Interest (SOI) 

For tests where only Facial Coding was captured, AOIs are not applicable as Eye Tracking points won't be available. For such tests, users can apply SOIs for any specified duration and view the metrics of the applied duration alone. 

The AOI table will show the segment and the relevant FC metrics alone. 
