What are the different type of answer options available in a Pre/ Post survey question?

This article helps users understand the different types of answer options available in a Pre/ Post survey question 

There are totally 9 different types of answer options available in a pre/ post survey question: 

Short Answer: The user should give a one-line answer.
Paragraph: The user should give a descriptive answer containing at least 2-3 


Multiple Choice: The user is allowed to pick any one of the answers from the given choices. 

Check Box: The user is allowed to select multiple options from the check box. 

Drop Down: Answers appear in the form of a drop-down where the user is allowed to select any one of the options. 





Linear Scale: The user is allowed to rate the question based on the minimum and maximum range set. 

Multiple Choice Grid: Answers will appear in the form of a grid where users are allowed to select one option from each row. 



Check Box Grid: Answers will appear in the form of a grid where users are allowed to select multiple options from each row. 

We can tag media to our questions in order to appear after the media (Post survey) or before the tagged media (Pre Survey). 

