Types of Screening Questions

Learn about the different question types you can include in screening questionnaires. 

Affect Lab offers users the flexibility to choose from different question formats to design their screening questionnaires. The different question types available to users are: 

1. Multiple Choice: Users should select this question type if they want to add a standard question to their questionnaires where the user selects one option from the list of options given. 

Video Selection: Users should select this question type if they want the 


respondents to watch a group of videos and select the relevant video option. 

  1. The user has an option to choose whether he wants the testers to see the video 

options in a horizontal or vertical manner. 

  1. Also, user can configure if he wants testers to choose multiple videos(Checkbox) or make a single selection(Multiple Choice) 

Dropdown: This question type is similar to the 'Multiple Choice' question type in that users can only select one option from the list of options available to them. The only difference here is that the list of options is visualized in the form of a drop- down. 



Checkbox: Users should select this question type if they want their respondents to be able to check multiple answers to the question. 





Multichoice Dropdown: This question type is similar to the 'Checkbox' question type in that users can only select more than one option from the list of options available to them. The only difference here is that the list of options is visualized in the form of a drop-down. 




Image Selection: Users should select this question type if they want the respondents to watch a group of images an select the relevant image option. 

  1. The user has an option to choose whether he wants the testers to see the image options in a horizontal or vertical manner. 
  2. Also, user can configure if he wants testers to choose multiple videos(Checkbox) or make a single selection(Multiple Choice) 




For each question, there needs to be one Valid Answer. While giving the test, a tester would qualify for the study only when he has chosen Valid answers for all the screening questions.